SW9 Improvement Panel

The SW9 Improvement Panel is your chance to work in partnership with us, influencing positive change by making sure we continue to provide excellent services.

The Panel works closely with management and officers to identify areas in need of improvement, conducting reviews and making recommendations for how SW9 could make the services you receive better.

You can find out all about the Improvement Panel by watching our YouTube video now.

If you would like the chance to make a real difference, please apply today by downloading our interactive application form, filling it out and sending it to getinvolved@sw9.org.uk

Alternatively, please contact Komal Doan, SW9’s Customer Resolutions Manager, using the details below.

  • Telephone: 0207 326 3700
  • Email: getinvolved@sw9.org.uk

To find out more about the SW9 Improvement Panel, we have created a series of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQS).

  • What is the SW9 Improvement Panel?

    The SW9 Improvement Panel is an essential way for SW9 to engage with residents and ensure we put you at the heart of the organisation. As an organisation that prides itself on customer service, we seek to appoint Panel Members who are enthusiastic, care about where they live and want to work with us to improve the service for all residents.
    The objectives of the Improvement Panel are:

    • To look at services in detail.
    • To challenge and ask meaningful questions.
    • To monitor and make suggestions for improvements.
    • To work in partnership with SW9 and make positive changes for the wider community.
  • How will it do that?

    The Improvement Panel is made up of up to 12 SW9 residents (tenants and leaseholders). Panel Members will conduct in-depth investigations on targeted services provided by SW9 and will present its findings and improvement recommendations to the SW9 Senior Leadership Team.

  • Why would I want to give up my time for an Improvement Panel?

    There are plenty of reasons you might want to volunteer to join the Improvement Panel. These include, but are not limited to:

    • Free training and development opportunities e.g. project management, attending conferences etc.
    • Gaining in-depth insight into how a social housing provider works.
    • Learning new skills and meeting new people.
    • Influencing real change for SW9 residents.

    There is no financial compensation for membership, although out of pocket expenses will be paid. We will also help to make sure you have all the tools you need to carry out the role.

  • Haven’t SW9 had something like this before?

    Yes, in the past we have had a Scrutiny Panel. However, maintaining momentum was difficult as we needed to appoint a new Community Engagement and Communications Manager. Now that SW9 has that person in place we are confident we can make great progress with the new group and hope that some previous Scrutiny Panel members will join it to share with us the their experience, skills and knowledge.

  • I was part of the old Scrutiny Panel, can I join this?

    Yes, we would welcome your input. Also, as this is a new Panel we will be wiping the slate keen in terms of tenure so that we can make use of your experience for as long as possible.

  • How much time would being part of the Improvement Panel take?

    The role will require a commitment of approximately 4 hours every 3 months depending on project requirements.

  • How many meetings would I have to attend?

    The Improvement Panel will meet a minimum of 6 times a year. Additional time commitments will be required from members for training and carrying out service reviews. The Chair of the Panel also has the right to call additional Scrutiny Panel meetings as required.

  • What happens to the recommendations the Panel makes?

    Recommendations will be put into reports and delivered directly to the SW9 Senior Leadership Team for action. There is also a process in place for the Panel to challenge SW9 if recommendations are not acted upon.

  • Ok, sounds good. How do I apply?

    Please apply by downloading our interactive application form, filling it out and sending it to getinvolved@sw9.org.uk

    Alternatively, please contact Komal Doan, SW9’s Customer Resolutions Manager, on:

You may also find the following documents of use:

Improvement Panel Leaflet

Panel Fact Sheet

Panel Code of Conduct

Panel Terms of Reference

Panel Chair Role Profile

Panel Member Role Profile