Compliments, Complaints and Comments

We are committed to providing an excellent customer service and we welcome all feedback from our customers. If you are pleased with our services, please let us know. We will use the information to thank our staff members.

We recognise however that sometimes things go wrong. If you are dissatisfied with something we have done or not done, or with the level of service you received, we want to know so we can investigate what’s happened and try to put things right. This also gives us the chance to learn and improve our services.  

What is not a complaint?

We do not treat repair requests or reports of anti-social behaviour as complaints. You can report a repair online via our repairs section and you can report anti-social behaviour using our online ASB form

Our complaints process

If you are unhappy with our service and you want to make a complaint, we have a two stage complaints process.

Stage 1

We will:

  • Try to resolve the problem the first time you contact us.
  • Respond to your complaint in full within fifteen working days, or let you know when we will respond if we need more time to investigate.
  • Apologise and say how we will put things right if we have done something wrong.

Stage 2

  • If you are not satisfied with our response at stage 1, you have 30 calendar days to tell us you want to take things further and tell us of any outstanding issues.
  • An Executive Director or Senior Manager will review how the complaint was handled at Stage 1 and decide if the decisions we made were in line with our policies, fair and reasonable.
  • We aim to provide a full response within 25 working days, or let you know when we will respond if we need more time to investigate.
  • We will apologise and say how we will put things right if we have done something wrong.
  • If you’re not happy with the Stage 2 decision you can take your complaint to the Housing Ombudsman. We will advise you on how to do this.

How do I offer a compliment, make a comment or a complaint? 

  • using our online complaints form 
  • using our leaflet
  • by phone to 020 7326 3700
  • in person at our Housing Office - 6 Stockwell Park Walk, London, SW9 0FG
  • by email to
  • through an advocate (with your written consent).

You should raise your complaint with us as soon as possible. Please note, we will not normally investigate a complaint about an issue that happened more than 6 months ago.

Contact Details for the Housing Ombudsman:

Housing Ombudsman Service
Exchange Tower
Harbour Exchange Square
E14 9GE

Telephone: 0300 111 3000 (lines are open Monday to Friday from 9:15 to 17:15)
Fax: 020 7831 1942


Compliments, Complaints and Comments leaflet

Our Complaints Policy

SW9 CH Self Assessment