The Housing Office & Reception will be closed from 1pm Tuesday 24 December and re-open at 9am Friday 27 December.  Please contact our Out-of-Hours Service on 020 7326 3700, in case of emergencies.


SW9's Safeguarding Toolkit


Safeguarding means protecting people’s right to live in safety, free of abuse and neglect.

An adult at risk of abuse or neglect is someone who has care and support needs and is, therefore, unable to protect themselves from either the risk of, or the experience of, abuse or neglect.

SW9 Community Housing has its own Safeguarding Policy and Procedure which we follow if we have a concern about a person’s wellbeing. However, as a community, we are all responsible for safeguarding. It’s important we know how to recognise signs of abuse in our family, friends, and neighbours. That way, we can refer them to the right people who can help.

The Safeguarding Toolkit is aimed at our residents, staff, contractors, and visitors as we all have a responsibility to act on concerns we may have.

How to recognise signs of abuse

Abuse comes in many different forms and although this may often refer to “adults at risk”, it should be acknowledged that anyone can be a victim of abuse or neglect, no matter their gender, age, or background. Please view the following sections on the types of abuse that someone maybe experiencing.

If you are a victim of abuse

If you are in immediate danger, please call 999.

If you are unable to speak, you can cough or make a noise into the microphone. The operator will prompt you to dial 55 if you do not speak. You will then be connected to the police (mobile phone users). On a landline, the police will be aware of your location.

If you are not in immediate danger and would like to speak to your SW9 Safeguarding Officer for advice, please call us on 020 7326 3700 and pick option 3. You can also email us at, attend the office and speak to one of our Officers face to face.

For further help and support you can contact the National Domestic Violence 24-hour Helpline on 0808 2000 247.

The Bright Sky app allows you to record incidents of domestic abuse.
To download for free, please visit the Hestia - Life Beyond Crisis website Bright Sky app | Hestia

More useful information and support can be found on the following websites:

Women’s Aid: women's

Victim Support:

UK Government guidance and help: Domestic abuse - how to get help

Citizens Advice: Citizens Advice Domestic Abuse

Specialist help for male victims (for male victims of domestic abuse and for men that are concerned about their own behaviour: Respect

Specialist help available for LGBTQ+ victims:



Specialist help available for younger victims: 

Childline - call 0800 1111 if you’re a child or a young person and you need help or support

Specialist help available for older victims:

Hourglass (We Are Hourglass) - call 0808 808 8141 or visit the website:

Hourglass - Safer Ageing-Stopping Abuse

What can you do if you suspect somebody is being abused?

If you suspect someone is in immediate danger, please call 999.

If you do not believe anyone is in immediate danger but would still like to speak to your SW9 Safeguarding Officer for further advice, please call us on 020 7326 3700 and pick option 3. You can also email us at, attend the office and speak to one of our Officers face to face, or attend one of our Neighbourhood Surgeries.

You can also report a concern directly to Lambeth Council’s Safeguarding Teams via telephone 020 7926 5555. Further advice can be found on the council’s website:

Lambeth Council: Report a concern about an adult

Lambeth Council: Report a concern about a child

If you do not want to speak directly to Social Services, you can contact your SW9 Neighbourhood Officer on 020 7326 3700, who will assist you with speaking to the relevant agency.

Physical Abuse

Sexual Abuse

Domestic Abuse

Financial Abuse

Emotional/Psychological Abuse

Neglect or Acts of Omission

Discriminatory Abuse

Organisational Abuse

Modern Slavery


Child Abuse