Anti-social behaviour FAQs

Who can I contact about an ASB issue outside office hours?

If you need assistance out of hours contact your Police Safer Neighbourhood Team.

You can call us the next day on 020 7326 3700.

In an emergency call 999 and for a non-emergency call 101. You can report crime anonymously by calling Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.

If you are affected by noise such as loud music during the night, you should contact Lambeth Council.


Why should I have mediation with my neighbour?

Mediation has proven to be a successful way of resolving disputes between neighbours.

Mediators are independent, impartial, confidential and non-judgmental people who aim to help others resolve their differences themselves.


Why do I need to complete an incident log?

So we can use it to monitor and measure the ASB and check how often it happens. We can then decide what action to take.


Does my neighbour have to know it was me who complained? 

If you do not wish us to pass on your name to the person causing the issue, we will not tell them.


Will you respond to anonymous complaints?

We will still investigate an anonymous complaint, however it may make it harder to resolve the case and take tenancy enforcement action if you remain anonymous.


Am I responsible for ASB caused by my visitors and pets?

Yes. Under the terms of your tenancy agreement, you are responsible for the behaviour of those who live with you and those visiting the property.

If your visitors or pets cause a nuisance or annoyance to other residents living in the area, your tenancy may be at risk.