Our suppliers are important to us and play an important role in the service we deliver to our customers.
We purchase goods, services and works in line with our contract standing orders and with EU procurement regulations.
We procure in a fair and transparent way, considering value for money and quality rather then simply focusing on lowest price.
Current tender opportunities
There are currently no tender opportunities available at SW9 Community Housing. You can register to receive alerts about our new tender opportunities for free on our procurement portal. It only takes a few minutes. We will carry out all tender advertisements and responses through this portal. When you register, you must indicate which business categories your organisation operates in, so you receive the relevant email alerts.
If you have any questions about a specific opportunity, or you would like more information about the way we procure, please email procurement@networkhomes.org.uk or call SNG's Procurement department (London and Herts) on 020 8782 4312.